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01/06/2023 News

道達爾能源參與 2023 年歐洲日晚宴

道達爾能源 (TotalEnergies) 參與 5 月 26 日由歐洲在台商務協會 (European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan, ECCT) 舉辦的 2023 年歐洲日晚宴,該晚宴每年舉行一次以共同紀念舒曼宣言 (Schuman declaration),也藉機慶祝台灣政府與台灣當地和歐洲商界之間的密切合作,為在地商業建設發展奠定基礎。


在台灣,道達爾能源已深耕逾 30 年,不僅提供優質的車輛用油、工業用油、特殊用油及食品級潤滑油品外,近年更積極推動本土太陽能、風能等可再生能源發展,開發符合當地價值觀的永續和綠色能源解決方案。未來,道達爾能源將持續發展台灣市場,與本地政府、商會及企業攜手合作,共同實現淨零轉型目標,同時推動全球永續能源發展,以期成為負責任的專業能源提供者。

TotalEnergies Joined 2023 European Day Dinner in Taiwan, Strengthening Collaborative Efforts for Local Development

TotalEnergies participated in the 2023 European Day Dinner organized by the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT), which celebrated the anniversary of the Schuman declaration. Meantime celebrated the cooperation between the Taiwan government, local and the European business community in contributing to local economic and social development. 

As a global leader in the energy sector, TotalEnergies' ambition is to provide more affordable, reliable, cleaner, and accessible energy to as many people as possible. Becoming a member of the ECCT, and a sponsor of European Day, the company reaffirmed its commitment to local growth. During the event, TotalEnergies engaged with professionals and government representatives from various fields, aiming to expedite our energy initiatives in Taiwan.

With a presence in Taiwan for over 30 years, TotalEnergies not only produces and markets lubricants and specialties, but actively promotes sustainable energy development that aligns with local values.TotalEnergies will continue to expand its presence in the Taiwan market and collaborate with the government, and business community to work towards achieving the goal of a net-zero transition. Furthermore, we remain committed to driving global sustainable energy development at the heart of our strategy. Therefore, becoming the responsible energy major.


道達爾能源台灣區主席暨總代表 Laurent CHEVALIER (左四)25日出席歐洲在台商務協會(ECCT)舉辦的「2023年歐洲日」,和蔡英文總統(中)、歐洲在台商務協會理事長 Giuseppe IZZO(右七)一同合照。