Quartz 產品介紹
釋放引擎 無限動力
Quartz 快馳潤滑油採用「延遲老化技術」,與業界標準值相比,能提升抗磨耗保護力高達 74%。* 其獨特的高活性分子組合能夠在所有引擎零部件上形成穩固的油膜。 即使在極端溫度下,引擎也能受到保護,有效減少磨損與氧化。
然而,雖然混合動力汽車有許多優點且相較更環保,但它們也有需要特別留意的養護重點。 例如,混合動力車仍需要有效的潤滑,而這種潤滑油必須是專門設計給混和動力汽車引擎的油品。
因此,TotalEnergies 開發了 Quartz Ineo Xtra 系列潤滑油,其採用的「睿效節能技術」能延長引擎壽命、增強性能並降低油耗。此系列的潤滑油不僅能去除雜質、保護引擎,還可以提供:
- 提升燃油經濟性高達 4%,相比業界標準直則高達 33% **
- - 增強油品穩定性高達 15 倍 ***
Quartz Ineo Xtra 及 Quartz 9000 Xtra 採用睿效節能技術,可提供引擎最佳保護,以實現極致性能。
*** 依據 API Seq IIIH 高溫油稠化測試,Quartz Ineo Xtra V-Drive 0W-20 的結果與美國石油協會 (API) 定義的行業參考值進行比較。
想要長久保持引擎清潔嗎?「活性清淨技術」能提供引擎高達 64% 的引擎清潔性,其先進的洗滌劑分子可作為氧化油化合物之間的屏障,以對抗污泥的形成,有效對抗引擎故障的主因,讓駕駛人免於擔心油泥淤積。
In the next decade, electric cars are expected to become the world’s top selling automobiles.
Even though electric vehicles don't need engine oil, they do need specific fluids. As EVs become increasingly powerful and their battery range and charging speeds improve, standard fluids are unable to keep up in terms of robustness, heat resistance and cooling capacity.
Quartz EV Fluids are backed by major R&D efforts and tailored technical solutions to address the new electrical, thermal and material compatibility of electric vehicles.
Fluids used in electric vehicules require electrical insulation properties.
The fluid must be insulating to prevent any arcing sinceit is going to be in close contact with the electrical and/or electronic components of the vehicule.
Dielectric properties must remain stable throuhhout the time despite harsh operating conditions like rising temperatures, oxidation, humidity and particle abrasion.
Lithium·Ion battery has its maximum efficiency within a very short temperature range.
Having a temperature above or below this range will drastically impact the performances and the lifetime of the battery.
It is therefore mandatory to ensure that the thermal management of the battery allows it to work in this temperature range even under extreme conditions such as fast charging or hot and cold climate.
Material compatibility is critical to the fluids used in electric vehicles due to large amount of copper present in the components, especially e-transmissions.
It is mandatory for fluids to provide protection against corrosion and to ensure its consistent performance throughout the drain interval.
KIA (起亞汽車) 與道達爾能源集團自 2011 年以來的合作展現了雙方對品質和創新的共同願景。也因為對產品品質及創新技術的重視,雙方的全球市場影響力更加提升,並且為 KIA 的客戶提供客製化的服務。
道達爾能源集團和 Stellantis 宣布續簽標緻 (Peugeot)、雪鐵龍 (Citroën) 和 DS 汽車品牌的合作夥伴關係,期限為 2022 年至 2025 年五年。
歐吉汽車 (Opel) 和佛賀汽車 (Vauxhall) 也 接續成為兩大集團的合作夥伴。 經核准的維修技師可以使用 Quartz 快馳系列的創新科技油品,這些油品是專為這五大品牌的車輛引擎所開發,能保證其高效性能、穩定可靠和燃油經濟性。